Many new military technologies were evident during World War I. Trench warfare became the main battle strategy on the western front. Each side would generally fight for position as opposed to movement, which resulted in a sluggish war that cost many lives with little territorial gain. Machine guns were also introduced, which increased the number of potential bullets used to the nth degree. Poison gases were also a new and very popular weapon used during WWI. They were first introduced by the Germans via chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas, and were used to infiltrate enemy trenches and poison enemy troops. Other new weapons included tanks, airplanes and submarines that played major parts in the war.
In addition to new weapons, the home front changed dramatically as well. Total war required that all aspects of the home front be guided toward the war effort. Industries converted to manufacturing war materials and labor unions emerged. As men were drafted women took their places in the factories and other various jobs thus changing the role of women forever. Shifting social climates led to shifts in political climates such as in Russia and the Balkans. These shifts contributed to war tensions if it did already start it.
World War I was an entirely new type of war that rattled the world. This war, with its obvious new military technology would pave the war for great wars to come.