Sunday, May 16, 2010

Septemer 11 Terrorist Attacks

This image depicts the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. This image is so powerful to me, it captures the instant of impact of the aircraft, while symbolically marking the beginning of the War in Afghanistan and Iraq. This event was so devastating, not only for the city of New York, but for America as a whole; it left us vulnerable for one of the first times in our young history. This would eventually lead to the stock market plummeting and the economy dropping lower and later into a depression. The attacks are by far the most memorable event in my lifetime, I can still remember sitting in my class in 5th grade early in the morning and hearing about this event (later to watch it on TV and seeing the second plane hit live!) and not really knowing what the World Trade Centers were, let alone the enormous severity of the situation that was about to unfold for the years to come. This is something that I will share with my children and grandchildren for years to come.

Reflection - Arab-Israeli Conflict

To be honest, before learning about this material in class, all I truly knew about this conflict is that it was between Israel and Palestine and that the United States took a pro-Israeli standpoint on this whole ordeal. I did not personally have the opportunity to present my material during class due to being out for tennis, however I was one of the leading researchers for my group, and my research lead to me take a pro-Palestinian standpoint on the situation. It seems as though the Israeli's basically came into the land inhabited by the Palestinians and virtually kicked them out and dubbed the land to be their own. This, to me, is surprisingly similar to what colonials did to the Native Americans here in the United States and throughout North America. I believe that this was simply out of an act of power prevailing over what should have actually been the natives land in the first place. I suppose that it truly is not fair for this to happen to anyone, but it has happened throughout history all over the world.

Connection Across Time

The above image depicts Tsutomu Yamaguchi, the only known survivor of both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. Yamaguchi, an engineer working in Hiroshima at the time of the first bombing, suffered terrible burns, only to return to Nagasaki a few days later to experience the second bombing. Yamaguchi is the only known person to survive both bombings and in my eyes is perhaps one of the luckiest people in history. A few months ago, however, Yamaguchi died of stomach cancer. In the months and years before his death, Yamaguchi became a very vocal person against nuclear disarmament.

Rape of Nanking

This picture truly demonstrates the severity of the Rape of Nanking. This image shows Chinese men, women, and CHILDREN, left dead on the streets of Nanking. The Japanese soldiers who tortured, raped, and killed these innocent civilians could car less about how brutal the scene throughout the streets appeared.
Thanks to the essay that Miss Herman supplied for our class, I believe that I have a good grasp on how terrible the Rape was. It disturbs me that many people (especially in the United States) is completely unaware of this event in history, and I believe that this is a topic that should be covered much more in schools across the nation. Mostly, when it comes to atrocities and genocidal events, all we hear about is the Holocaust, however, The Rape of Nanking ranks up there with some of the most horrible massacres in human history.

Iwo Jima

This is a picture was taken by Joe Rosenthal on February 23, 1945. In the picture there are six men; five of them are United States Marines and one is a US Navy corpsman. These men are putting up the American flag on top of Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima. This picture became so popular and it won the Pulizter Prize in Photography the same year that it was actually printed and released to the public.
My father, being an ex-marine (well, once a marine, always a marine) told me that this was one of the pictures that kept him motivated to fight for our country during the Persian Gulf War. I love this picture, and have seen this picture cemented and erected at Parris Island South Carolina at the Marine base in person.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soleil Levant - Claude Monet

Of all of the art that we have studied throughout the past week or so, this painting has stuck in my mind the most. Monet portrays a very solitary, serene landscape, with the sunset cascading down upon the water. By doing this, Monet incorporates his general ideology of capturing the momentary overall feeling, or impression of light falling upon a real life scene before your eyes. This picture is very simple, and it is because of this that it is so realistic. One could easily sink deep into the scene and imagine themselves in this very situation that Monet is depicting.

My Power Point Presentation

I presented my power point presentation last week, however I really haven't had the chance to blog about it until now. I did my powerpoint on various artists from the 19th and 20th centuries, including: Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse, and surrealists: Claude Monet, Pierre August Renoir, and Camille Pissaro. I was very intrigued at the various techniques they used that made them impressionistic painters, and those that made them separate and unique from anyone else. Without all of these great painters (who are all French!), modern art as we know it would be totally different. These forefathers laid the foundation for the amazing development of modern art. The color combination and artistic schemes that they develop in their work is simply amazing.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reflection - New Technology in Warfare

Many new military technologies were evident during World War I. Trench warfare became the main battle strategy on the western front. Each side would generally fight for position as opposed to movement, which resulted in a sluggish war that cost many lives with little territorial gain. Machine guns were also introduced, which increased the number of potential bullets used to the nth degree. Poison gases were also a new and very popular weapon used during WWI. They were first introduced by the Germans via chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas, and were used to infiltrate enemy trenches and poison enemy troops. Other new weapons included tanks, airplanes and submarines that played major parts in the war.

In addition to new weapons, the home front changed dramatically as well. Total war required that all aspects of the home front be guided toward the war effort. Industries converted to manufacturing war materials and labor unions emerged. As men were drafted women took their places in the factories and other various jobs thus changing the role of women forever. Shifting social climates led to shifts in political climates such as in Russia and the Balkans. These shifts contributed to war tensions if it did already start it.

World War I was an entirely new type of war that rattled the world. This war, with its obvious new military technology would pave the war for great wars to come.

Reflection - The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

I must admit, that before we began talking about World War I in class, that I truly did not know very much about the war. I knew the countries that fought during the war, and that it had ended in a victory for the Allied nations, however I did not know the story behind it all. I was entirely surprised to learn that the war basically was started because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Tensions in the Balkans and throughout Europe had been reaching a boiling point for years, and this event put their frustration over the edge.

The ages of the young men carrying out Ferdinand's assassination also astounded me, anywhere from 17 - 27 years old? That is insanity! From our discussion in class, it seems as though Franz Ferdinand was truly having a lucky day up until he met his maker, Gavrilo Princip. I mean, he dodged the initial assassination attempt (which was via bombing!) and unfortunately while going to meet the people affected by the bomb, Princip discovered that they had indeed not killed him the first time through, and ultimately shot him down that instant. It surprises me that we don't hear much about Princip in everyday conversation, after all, it was his assassination efforts that turned the wheel of the first world war and eventually every war following that (from what it seems like).

No More than a Mask - Artist Unkown

For me, this picture is a perfect depiction of the severity of World War I. Once again, the general use of grayscale painting immediately symbolizes the terror and somber aspect of war. Each soldier is almost identical to that of the others, ultimate representing the true absence of humanity and life. Also, the lack of facial features (and evident skull) show the overall outlook on the war - that each soldier would more than likely face death in the eye in some situation or another. The apparent lack of a background definitely adds to the aura emitted in this work of art, with its emotionless, heartless manner. The soldiers themselves are a horrifying site. Their uniforms cover every part of them and do not reveal any skin, hair or sign of a human under the uniform. Their helmets create a sense of uniformity and dark simplicity instead of individuality. However, the most important piece of the uniform was the gas mask. The masks play on the idea of skulls with large, blacked-out eye shields that look alien instead of human. The filter part of the mask reinforces the mutant look of the mask. A man's face is the most human, personal and identifying part of him. The masks completely covered this feature and removed the personality from the human. Humanity became the past because there was no way to tell that a human was behind the suit. It was the suit that was trained to kill and wanted to kill. Soldiers killed other suits, not other people. The human was not seen until the suit was removed from the already dead body to serve the needs of those still living. After, there were no burials for the dead because it would be suicide to leave the trenches. The now exposed soldiers decayed as the living were forced to stare at the bodies.

This picture absolutely represents the dehumanizing aspects of war - everyone worked as one, for a common cause. This picture shows the moral and outlook upon the war pertaining to the soldiers, I mean, I'm sure that they went into battle expecting the worst everyday. It's tough to imagine going through that thought process, and I hope I never have to experience it first hand in my lifetime.

Otto Dix's Famous World War I Painting

Once again, this image is one that is an instant eye catcher. Oddly enough, at first glance this picture reminds me of my room, but after looking at it awhile, one can truly understand how intricately detailed Dix has portrayed this landscape to be.

From further research, I discovered that Otto Dix was actually a volunteer in the German army in World War I in a machine gun unit. Dix was part of the epic Battle of Somme, where he was wounded several times and eventually removed and placed on the eastern front for the remainder of the war. After the war, Dix painted several images that spoke to him throughout the war, this picture being one.

In this particular piece, Dix is portraying the horrors of war. The soldiers constantly had to wear gas masks shown by the only living man in the painting. The masks had a dark and haunting appearance and erased the faces of the soldiers. In the background, the barren landscape, perhaps "No Mans Land", is scarred with bullets from previous gunfights. The presence of the numerous bodies in this image is a constant reminder of the war, and how dangerous trench warfare usually was. If you think about it, you were either killed by gunfire or suffered terrible trench foot, and only the few lucky ones survived unscathed.

Upon further examination, I discovered a decaying body hanging from an arch in the center of the picture. Its appearance seems even worse than those dead in the trench, and oddly enough, the corpse seems to be looking down at those on the ground, making the element of death evident while almost mocking those still living.

Dix, most likely, was greatly scarred by the horrors of war. His artwork shows the reality of war, in death, decay, and sadness. His choice of colors eventuate on the severity and evident nature of death and overall provide a shocking, real image that makes people discover the terror of war.

Machine-Gun by C.R.W. Nevinson

While browsing the Internets various array of wonderful images I came across this striking image depicting three gunman in what appear to be in the middle of combat. Indeed, this pictures seems to have taken place during the early 20th century based on the uniforms that these soldiers are wearing. After looking at it for a bit, I slowly realized that I had definitely seen this picture before. In a frantic search, I finally discovered that this very picture is on the cover page for Chapter 27 (oddly enough). Feeling the urge to learn more, I researched a bit on the artist, C.R.W. Nevinson, which ultimately lead to telling me that Nevinson was in fact the son of a very famous war correspondent and British campaigning journalist, Henry Nevinson. For me, the personal connection that the artist shares with his father truly is shown in his work. The colors used throughout the painting are dark, and grim, surely representing the terror and severity of the war. The soldiers themselves are emotionless, almost robotic in nature (with the man in the middle seeming to almost "be one" with the gun). Another interesting element of this picture is the presence of the large machine fun in the center, a new and innovative aspect of the war. The machine gun made fighting much easier, with its ability to fire several rounds, and besides periodic cooling periods (and manned properly), it could almost be fired at any given time. Overall, this picture obviously reeks the stench of war. The colors, the harsh shading, and obvious hatred on the soldiers faces truly symbolizes the treacherous nature of the first world war.