Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soleil Levant - Claude Monet

Of all of the art that we have studied throughout the past week or so, this painting has stuck in my mind the most. Monet portrays a very solitary, serene landscape, with the sunset cascading down upon the water. By doing this, Monet incorporates his general ideology of capturing the momentary overall feeling, or impression of light falling upon a real life scene before your eyes. This picture is very simple, and it is because of this that it is so realistic. One could easily sink deep into the scene and imagine themselves in this very situation that Monet is depicting.

My Power Point Presentation

I presented my power point presentation last week, however I really haven't had the chance to blog about it until now. I did my powerpoint on various artists from the 19th and 20th centuries, including: Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse, and surrealists: Claude Monet, Pierre August Renoir, and Camille Pissaro. I was very intrigued at the various techniques they used that made them impressionistic painters, and those that made them separate and unique from anyone else. Without all of these great painters (who are all French!), modern art as we know it would be totally different. These forefathers laid the foundation for the amazing development of modern art. The color combination and artistic schemes that they develop in their work is simply amazing.